Strings within backquotes
Marco Gidde
2004-06-08 11:06:02 UTC
#(#\g #\a #\g #\a)

This happens because expand-bq is called recursivly on sequences, and
a string is also a sequence. I thinks, strings should be excluded.

*** cl-reader.el 25 May 2004 06:35:14 -0000 1.82
--- cl-reader.el 8 Jun 2004 10:52:00 -0000
*** 700,706 ****
(ERROR "Syntax error in backquote."))
(cons 'APPEND (expand-bq-list form)))))
! ((VECTORP form)
`(APPLY (FUNCTION VECTOR) ,(expand-bq (MAP 'LIST #'IDENTITY form))))
`(QUOTE ,form))))
--- 700,706 ----
(ERROR "Syntax error in backquote."))
(cons 'APPEND (expand-bq-list form)))))
! ((and (VECTORP form) (not (STRINGP form)))
`(APPLY (FUNCTION VECTOR) ,(expand-bq (MAP 'LIST #'IDENTITY form))))
`(QUOTE ,form))))
Lars Brinkhoff
2004-06-08 11:05:50 UTC
Post by Marco Gidde
#(#\g #\a #\g #\a)
This happens because expand-bq is called recursivly on sequences, and
a string is also a sequence. I thinks, strings should be excluded.
Also bit vectors. Thanks, will fix soon.
Lars Brinkhoff, Services for Unix, Linux, GCC, HTTP
Brinkhoff Consulting http://www.brinkhoff.se/