Marco Gidde
2004-04-12 20:05:58 UTC
DEFMACRO does not work with &REST or &BODY arguments:

COMMON-LISP-USER> (defmacro test (arg1 &rest argn)
`(cons ,arg1 ,argn))
COMMON-LISP-USER> (macroexpand '(test 1 2 3 4 5))
COMMON-LISP-USER> (test 1 2 3 4 5)

If you replace &REST with &BODY it's just the same.
Marco Gidde
Marco Gidde
2004-04-13 06:40:27 UTC
AS I noticed a few minutes later, it is an inherited fault caused by
DESTRUCTURING-BIND, therefore an old story :-)
Marco Gidde
lars-zgYzP9v7iJcdnm+ (Lars Brinkhoff)
2004-04-13 10:24:45 UTC
Post by Marco Gidde
AS I noticed a few minutes later, it is an inherited fault caused by
DESTRUCTURING-BIND, therefore an old story :-)
Right. Someone should fix that. :)
Lars Brinkhoff, Services for Unix, Linux, GCC, HTTP
Brinkhoff Consulting http://www.brinkhoff.se/
Marco Gidde
2004-04-13 10:43:38 UTC
Post by lars-zgYzP9v7iJcdnm+ (Lars Brinkhoff)
Post by Marco Gidde
AS I noticed a few minutes later, it is an inherited fault caused by
DESTRUCTURING-BIND, therefore an old story :-)
Right. Someone should fix that. :)
While far from being complete or bug free I found the following change
to destructure quite useful:

(defun destructure (lambda-list whole)
(if (null lambda-list)
(let ((result nil)
(current nil)
(struct whole))
(setq current (pop lambda-list))
(when (eq current '&WHOLE)
(push `(SETQ ,(pop lambda-list) ,whole) result)
(setq current (pop lambda-list)))
(push `(WHEN (ATOM ,struct) (ERROR)) result)
(while (and current (not (lambda-list-keyword-p current)))
((symbolp current)
(push `(SETQ ,current (CAR ,struct)) result))
((consp current)
(let ((subtree (gensym)))
(push `(LET ((,subtree (CAR ,struct)))
,@(destructure current subtree))
(push `(SETQ ,struct (CDR ,struct)) result)
(setq current (pop lambda-list)))
Post by lars-zgYzP9v7iJcdnm+ (Lars Brinkhoff)
(when (eq current '&OPTIONAL)
(push `(SETQ ,(pop lambda-list) (CAR ,struct)) result)
(push `(SETQ ,struct (CDR ,struct)) result)
(setq current (pop lambda-list)))
(when (or (eq current '&REST) (eq current '&BODY))
(push `(SETQ ,(pop lambda-list) ,struct) result))
(nreverse result))))

At least it seems to break nothing :-)
Marco Gidde
lars-zgYzP9v7iJcdnm+ (Lars Brinkhoff)
2004-04-13 12:11:30 UTC
Post by Marco Gidde
Post by lars-zgYzP9v7iJcdnm+ (Lars Brinkhoff)
Post by Marco Gidde
AS I noticed a few minutes later, it is an inherited fault caused by
DESTRUCTURING-BIND, therefore an old story :-)
Right. Someone should fix that. :)
While far from being complete or bug free I found the following change
Post by lars-zgYzP9v7iJcdnm+ (Lars Brinkhoff)
(when (eq current '&OPTIONAL)
(push `(SETQ ,(pop lambda-list) (CAR ,struct)) result)
(push `(SETQ ,struct (CDR ,struct)) result)
(setq current (pop lambda-list)))
(when (or (eq current '&REST) (eq current '&BODY))
(push `(SETQ ,(pop lambda-list) ,struct) result))
I will soon commit something similar that handles more cases.
Lars Brinkhoff, Services for Unix, Linux, GCC, HTTP
Brinkhoff Consulting http://www.brinkhoff.se/